Monday, September 15, 2008

Ike, The Tasting Room, and Normalcy

In the aftermath of Hurricane Ike many were looking for a way to relieve stress, wanting some human interaction and above all, a sense of normalcy.

My wine bar had power and minimal damage. I thought it was crazy that my wine bar was open on Sunday for business and that my manager had asked for anyone that could work, to please come in and pick up the shift. I honestly didn't think anyone would show up, employees or Guests.

I ended up going in around 3:30 just wanting to help out if they needed it and if they didn't, I'd get online and touch base with all those not in Houston. What I saw was kind of amazing. A lot of people were there and it almost looked like any other day except for the downed trees and our broken Willow (of which all that work there, love).

I got to sling some wine, order some food and listen to what other people were going through with Ike and no power or running water. Many who were spared the worst, were hopeful and thankful. I could tell our Guests were glad to be doing something as simple as drinking a glass of wine and to just get away even if only for a half hour.

I am happy I went in to work and glad that management decided to open. It helped a lot of people to relieve a bit of stress and time to enjoy what they do have instead of dwelling on what was lost. Kudos to the The Tasting Room and all those other establishments that opened as soon as they could to help ALL of us feel a bit of Normalcy.


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